Revolve Team

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Courses for fitness instructors

Many people have a desire for attaining fitness and are willing to join gyms and fitness centers to shape up their body. Becoming a fitness trainer or a gym instructor has become a new career option for those who love to be in the company of tread mills and free weights. There are various courses designed for those who are interested in taking it as a career option. The person willing to join such a course is required to be fit to a certain level and to know the basic writing and numerical skills. 

After pursuing these professional courses, a person becomes well trained for teaching a fitness program as well as having his own gym offering such courses. The level 2 gym instructor courses are the basic courses for people who want to join the fitness industry. These courses are designed as integrated programs that contain study material and practical workshops. These courses can be undertaken as full time as well as part time courses. Full time courses are taught in the training centers while for part time courses, the person can do the study part at home while he will have to attend the workshop training in the training center.
The material for gym instructor courses contains a comprehensive study of various topics that will enable the trainer to select the kind of exercise one should do for getting the desired results. It contains the study of how changes occur while doing various types of exercises. This way the gym instructor can easily choose the exercises that will benefit the person and educate him why he chose this course of action for him. The people attending the fitness program also feel confident about the efforts they are making if they are educated about its outcome.
The main topics which are covered in the study material are:
·         Study of anatomy and physiology
·         Warm-ups, cool-downs and stretching that should be done before starting the exercise
·         Main exercises and their benefits
·         The use of gym equipments
·         How to build up muscles
·         How to attend to the customers and suggest the correct fitness program

In case the person opts for a part time study, he is provided with the material like gym instructor manual, level 2 mandatory fitness modules and work books. For any kind of guidance, the person undertaking the course is free to contact the staff of the training center. After completing the study part in full time or part time mode, the person is required to attend the workshop training part. The whole course takes around 4 to 6 weeks for completion. A number of assessments are merged into the course that is taken during the study part.
After the completion of the course, a written examination based upon the course content is taken. A practical assessment is also taken by the instructors. It depends upon the training center from where you are taking this training that what the pattern of the examination will be. After you get fully trained in level 2 gym instructor courses, you can also go for further higher level courses to add to your knowledge and qualification. 

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